Which brings us to the case in question, involving a homosexual couple who identify themselves only as 'Roy' and 'Silo'3. Roy and Silo made a lifestyle choice, dear reader. And fair enough, says I. I mean, if they want to condemn themselves to eternal damnation well, that's just their choice. Unfortunately, however, those social engineers on the left (represented here by one Robert Gramzay, may this fag-enabler burn in HELL!!!!) just had to step in, didn't they? They gave Roy and Silo a child to raise. Yeah, that's right buddy, a poor innocent child. It's time the silent majority stood up to be counted here, and declared that enough, dear reader, is ENOUGH!!!! According to no lesser authority than GOD himself, children should be raised by a father and a mother. Yeah, you heard me Gramzay. Give my regards to Satan when you see him.
Roy and Silo .... or possibly Squawk and Milo shamelessly
flaunting their unholy relationship in the fag-enabling
pit that is Manhattan.... Cute penguins? Or an abomination before
god himself? I'll be the judge.........
flaunting their unholy relationship in the fag-enabling
pit that is Manhattan.... Cute penguins? Or an abomination before
god himself? I'll be the judge.........
1Let's see if this one works, hey.....
2Such as, say, the heinous decision to subsist on shellfish. And don't kid yourself, buddy, such sick individuals are out there.
3Or is it 'Squawk' and 'Milo'? I'm confused. Not happy, Scientific American.
Penguins are cute.
There are 4 pages of words in that article that I didn't need to read because I once had a dog called Charlie. He liked other boy dogs.....he really liked them and often.
I miss Charlie-dog.
Yeah, I remember Charlie..........
In the hopes of eliciting posts from people who thought I was serious, I originally posted this without a picture.
Unfortunately, it's just so much better with the picture ..... so I put it up.
My favourite penguin moments are when they zoom out of the water and onto the ice, land on their feet and start waddling at a pace that looks an order of magnitude slower than what they were doing underwater.
My favourite penguin moment is when a male penguin and a female penguin in a loving monogamous relationship usher in and raise a baby penguin in a stable monogamous environment.
A just found out about the shocking children's book.
You know, I actually remember hearing about that book ..... and yet I never made any connections......
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