Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Brief Google-whoring Update

These are quirky newish ones. I'm not necessarily going by volume. I wouldn't want you to think that I'm no longer getting large numbers of "rate my " type searches, because I am. Ahem.

  1. Harry Kinsman. Now my second-highest referral search. I was going to say "thanks guys" about this one but closer inspection reveals that I should really say "thanks Martin".
  2. Mc Pooh. Don't kid yourselves, this home-boy has a fan base.
  3. testicles blog. Here's hoping this doesn't exist.......
  4. Rate my ass man. Your ass man? Everybody knows there's only one ass man.....
  5. coffee statistics. My apologies on way-laying your legitimate search, sir.
  6. sexy mathematician(s) :)
  7. "it's high time i" wow, what a disappointment you received....
  8. another name for a frog Might I suggest Ethel?
  9. funny trivia names cumming yeah, right up to the last word I might have been able to help you out, there....
  10. google whoring how very 4th wall.....
  11. i can put a picture on my rate my cock profile Yes, yes you can....
  12. meaning for sole teammate I hope you found it...... I sure didn't.
  13. my cock is located on my back sound byte so, apart from the fact that the word you wanted was "bite" ..... I'm genuinely lost for words. Congratulations!
  14. nondescript blog names Should I be insulted?
  15. ode to someone leaving aw....
  16. petty theft in ca/ forum 2007 hmmm....
  17. testicle boy photo Oh. My. God.
  18. touch nose tell poker meaning Oh, that's easy. It means the player has an itchy nose.
  19. where to put my cock It's a free country, sir, you can put it where you like....
  20. where can you buy a ben 10 wock Given the obvious reasons this came here, it's pretty funny.....
  21. winnie poo and beaver Yeah, he never got any..... he was only ever interested in honey.


Andrew said...

Yeah, also, some really were just too filthy ... even for me.

martin said...

The back on the cock line was
Superbad. Funniest thing ever.

And I probably just added a few of these again.

martin said...

While trying to replicate some of these searches I came across this unspeakable piece of video.

I don't understand.

Andrew said...

Yeah, so I'm going to have to look at those videos later when I can do so with sound.

So who knows, by tomorrow "Harry Kinsman" may have edged out my most common search. Rather appropriately, the search Hazzy-K has to beat is "rate my jerking"......

David Barry said...

My favourite is the nondescript blog names.

Andrew said...

Well, it's official ..... Hazzy-K has overtaken rate my jerking.....