Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A call to arms

It is a little-known fact that I have, in my time, seen an awful lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer1. Indeed, having derived a good many moral lessons from the Buff-meister, imagine my surprise to find that almost all contemporary social problems in Australia are of a surprisingly similar cause to that of the supernatural activity in this show.

Sunnydale was, of course, situated above the hell-mouth which, in a climactic final episode the high drama of which has yet to be equaled by any human endeavor, was finally sealed shut thus ending the woes of that fair dale. Australia, it seems dear reader, has a hell-mouth of its own2.


If someone else could see their way clear to bringing all the explosives and shit, I'll provide the nibblys.

1This being due to the solid scripts and directing, and having nothing whatsoever to do with my wanting to bone Sarah Michelle Gellar. SCURRILOUS LIES!!!!!

2Damn it, Ben, if you're not going to put in that shameless plug this time .... I will.*

*Oh, wait.... you just re-plugged. Ah, well, in any case, this action allows for a new milestone on this blog .... a footnote to a footnote!!!


Ben said...

Fellow blog readers, make sure you are prepared before succumbing to Andrew's rallying cry.

Esonlinji said...

It's all to do with wanting to bone Alyson Hannigan.

Nini said...

Are you saying all bogans are really demons? Or is there some sort of bogan-dimension that our world is linked to?

If you're bringing the snacks, I'll bring the drinks.

Andrew said...

A more disturbing thought is that Australia is that parallel dimension .... and the gate is where they leave....

Tinos said...

It's because of people like you that this happens.

Not happy, Andrew!