Sunday, December 2, 2007

Random Thoughts

Hello, and welCOME to this latest instalment of my blog. This current post is destined TO be, I think, probably the winner in that most competitive of categories: pointless, TRIVIAl posts to be found on my blog.

This state of affairs owes itself either to the fact that I feel I have nothing much to write about, or to the fact that I feel I should be writing something ON this blog at the MOment rather than actually feeling like writiNgtoDAY, as such. I haven't decided which yet. Anyways, currently in the news we do have, of course, the story about that poor little teddy bear named Muhammed who's gone and caused such a lot of trouble in the Sudan. While I almost feel duty-bound to write on such a silly story1, I rather feel that its ridiculousness sells itself a little too easily. It doesn't need my help, and the only thing I can think to add are the following two suggestions:

  1. That the class in question correct this hienous act of blasphemy by re-naming the bear "Satan".
  2. That the peoples of the rest of the world (this includes YOU, dear reader) henceforward adopt the custom of naming all stuffed toys after some prominent religious figure chosen at random.

Also making the news is Brendan Nelson's newfound status as leader of the Liberal (note use of capitals) party. On this I would say the following: to date, I have actually rather liked Kevin Rudd for precisely the reasons a number of conservatives have dis-liked him: I suspect that he may actually be the wolf-in-sheep's clothing they make him out to be (I knowingly I await my eventual dis-illusionment and slide to dependancy on the bottle and crack-cocaine on this front). Well, actually, that and because he beat John Howard .... and frankly, there were times there when, were I offered the choice between voting for John Winston Howard or Adolf Hitler, well, this would have been a serious moral dilemma for me2. Anyways, Brendan, on the other hand, seems more of a BASTARD in warm-and-fuzzy-pillock'S clothing to me. In all honesty, this commentary has only really been inserted as the easiest way I could think of to throw in a use of the word "bastard".... but I do more OR less stand by it.
Hmmm.... possibly I'm stretching this out a bit too much now..... so fuck it: WILL CLAIM YOUR FIRST-BORN.

1Which seems perhaps a little less silly if you happen to be either the British teacher caught up in the furore .... or one of those frighteningly large number of people in the Sudan who actually give a fuck about what a small class of children calls their teddy bear. Human history would be considerably less bloody if more people had a well-developed sense of the ridiculous. Ah, well.
2 "Dilemma" is not really the right word here..... I know of a better word, but I just can't remember it. It can be found in Douglas Adams' Deeper Meaning of Liff and has the following meaning: "A situation in which you have only one choice, but you can't take it".


Ben said...

After reading your post I feel like I should be protecting Jasper from knowledgeable people that enjoy getting drunk on Mondays.

Andrew said...

We're not all that knowledgeable, actually ...... see previous post