Sunday, November 18, 2007

On Why The Dentist Must Die

O.K. So, it's occured to me that my blog has essentially become the blog about nothing. I've eased off adding to it of late, perhaps hoping to have something meaty, deep and profound to add. Instead, all I really have to report is that over the last two weeks or so I have developed a messianic hatred of the dentist on the other side of the wall from my desk. This is perhaps a lie. Not the hatred bit - that's perfectly true1- but I suppose I could be reporting other things also. There is, as it happens for instance, a very good hole-in-the-wall cafe just down the road I discovered in the last week which completely invalidates my previous post2. This has left me happy that I can now purchase a hot liquid that leaves me convinced, upon tasting it, that it was derived originally from coffee beans and not the testicles of a diseased rodent. This has also made me a bit annoyed that I've lost a perfectly good topic to rant about3.

Another important milestone in my life I feel I should tell you all about is my discovery of the curried prawn pie, which can be purchased from a dodgy-looking pie4 shop a few metres away from the office. The curried prawn pie is, I feel, an invention of genious5 to rival that of the wheel, sliced bread and the baby's dummy6. I mean, seriously, think about it. Firstly, prawn meat is a hell of a lot tastier than the usual pie-filling fare. But the real kicker is the curried nature of the pie. A major problem with your standard meat pie is that they are expected to be an in-expensive food-stuff and are yet also expected to be filled with beef which is, nowadays, not actually that cheap. So how does the vendor make a profit? By filling the pie with those portions of the cow that John West Rejected, that's how. The curried prawn pie on the other hand is filled with a few prawns and a cheap, presumably vegetable-based curry-sauce type filling infused with a prawny flavour. I mean, seriousy people - GENIOUS7. You get your cheap much tastier pie safe in the knowledge that you're not eating intestine and hoof.

Anyways, back to the dentist. I am convinced that it has become his purpose in life to drive me insane8. The man's waiting room lies, as I have previously mentioned, just on the other side of the wall against which the monitor I spend my rather dreary day staring at sits. He plays really loud music into this waiting room. Music which is generally of such a calibre as I am convinced he does it to convince his patients that the experience of their scheduled root-canal is actually downright pleasant by comparison. The patients, however, get to leave9. I, on the other hand, have to stay there all fucking day. I ask you, dear reader, is there a jury in the land that would convict me for his long, drawn-out murder? Well, O.K. so yes, yes there is. Probably all of them, come to that. Since I may be forced to do it anyway, I'd just like to put in a request to any interested party that they act as a character witness at my trial. Thanks.

1I'm actually considering arranging subtle hints to Lorenz that it was the dentist in question, and not I, who ate his noodles then letting nature take its course. Well that, or bursting into his office with an axe yelling "here's Johnny!". Helena should take this as a subtle hint to re-send the Stanley Kubrick quiz link on facebook, as I've just decided I'll give it a try. She should take the previous sentence as an explicit request to that end.

2 Though not all of it, in as much as statistics didn't suddenly get interesting overnight. Actually, there is a rather interesting post to be had in elaborating on just what exactly I've come to realise the purpose of my current post is. I'll leave this as a 'Gabbo is coming' style teaser to hide the fact that the revelation in question, when it comes, would have otherwise not really been all that interesting if you were to sit down and think about it for too long.

3I've actually considered, in my idle moments (of which there are many) whether or not it might be a good idea to burn this cafe to the ground. I'm also just now considering whether or not I should shoot for a post in which most of the content is to be found in the footnotes. As to the former consideration, I rather think my motivation may be a little difficult to adequately communicate in a court of law. As to the latter..... we'll see how it goes, yeah?

4 I say this, of course, not to denigrate the pie shop. Decent pies cannot, in my experience, be purchased from non-dodgy-looking pie shops. Note the gratuitous attempt here to get footnote text to over-take main text.

5This misspelling has been deliberately left uncorrected to allow me to place another footnote.

6 The ultimate in a win-win situation. You want the baby to shut the fuck up, and the baby wants to suck something. Seriously, the dummy is a work of genius. And why the fuck am I trying so hard here, anyways? The footnotes are clearly ahead.

7 This time I've purposefully misspelled the word for the same reasons the last instance of it was left uncorrected.

8 I rather think he's not the only person I know who's adopted this goal either, lately.

9 Luck bastards. This probably really should have been placed in the main text, hey? Also, the previous sentence was clearly unnecessary. As was the last one. Oh, and that one too. Maybe I'm taking this footnote thing too far......


David Barry said...

A major problem with your standard meat pie
There is no problem with your standard meat pie. I wish you could get standard meat pies in France.

Nini said...

Dave, you do not spend enough time on speculation.

Andrew, I'm glad you realised you were taking the footnote thing too far. It wouldn't have been if not for the endless self-referencing.

I'm thinking of making Jetta the Dog's one of the regular blogs I visit as well. Just thought you would like to know.

Geoff said...

Great post. A vivid recreation of the experience of actually knowing you. With each addition to your blog, you strip away more of the pretense of blogging as a sane, well-adjusted individual with a sense of decorum, leaving the true Fitz free to emerge.

'I've eased off adding to it of late'.
Who told you you could ease off? If we let you get away with that, what next? You neglecting to get the trivia sheet?

David Barry said...

Anita, what do you mean when you say I don't spend enough time "on speculation"? I speculate that it will be really cold when I leave the building later today. I speculate that the train will be crowded tomorrow.

Andrew said...

Well, O.K. Anita, but you should perhaps be aware that the livejournal in question is not, in fact, written by a 3-legged staffy but rather by my brother. In case you were worried about issues of false advertising.

Dave: You can, I am sure, get all manner of awesome pastries in France. Possibly curried prawn voul-au-vaunts (I have absolutely no idea whether or not I spelled that correctly).

Geoff: COCK

P.S. Come to monday trivias bastards.

Andrew said...

Actually, Geoff, come to think of it when was such a veneer present on this blog?

zhalost said...

For all anyone knows, your brother might be a three-legged staffy.

I do hope he's not, though. That would make me sad, and rather queasy.

Bloody Kubrick quiz isn't being cooperative; it's trying to tell me it's not up yet, as though I'm going to fall for that whole "sorry,, you've gone back in time!" trick again. Anyway, you're not missing much; it was in French.


Hewhoblogs said...

Fuckin get the bullshit fuck fucker!

Also how was trivia?

Andrew said...

Helena: You tried to test your wits vs mine with a quiz written in French, huh? Does your ego really need a win THAT badly?

Chris: ...........? I play poker on teusdays, and by wednesday I tend to have forgotten.... or ceased to have cared ..... about the trivia results. We'll see how we go.

Anonymous said...

Aha. I can leave anonymous post now.

How is trivia? I don't think that I am going to be able to make it...every week I forget to go, then when I remember I am eating cookies in front of the 7.30 report.

Plus I start touch next week.
Oh, and fitz feel free to write as much as you want. I am really bored at work and I spend a lot of my day waiting for someone to update their blog.

This is Leesa.

Andrew said...

Yup. Updated the posting rules. I'm hanging out for an irate stranger to vent his spleen at me after landing here in a search for porn.

zhalost said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow. I was looking for my daily dose of cum hungry sluts and I get this garbage instead??!!??? Way to disappoint a guy, fuck-tard.

P.S. Your blog sucks, and I find your general writing style somewhat deficient.

martin said...

1. Amen to Dave about pies. Sing it sister!

2. Your technique of misspelling things deliberately to rile people up works well on me. I am inexorably drawn to spelling mistakes and felt righteous anger turn to humiliation upon reading the footnote attached to Genious.

zhalost said...

You are not fooling anyone, Anonymous (if that is your real name).

Andrew said...

It is. Oh, SHIT!!!