Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Concerning Ethel the Frog's worthy ascention to the top of the trivia pack.

By which, of course, I mean the top of the Bell curve. With a team of three, we came 7/15. A great many things worthy of note occurred at trivia last night, let me tell you dear reader. Unfortunately, it is my melancholy duty to inform you that as far as I could tell they all happened to other teams.

To what should I direct your attention, I wonder? The manner in which the noble Sancho managed to confuse a stilson wrench with a monkey wrench in round one? This was, I admit, high drama indeed .... but up to the usual standards required of a trivia post concerning our most excellent of frogs? I think not.

Without further ado, then, let me just relate that the night's themes were as follows:
  1. Tools
  2. Military matters
  3. Western Movies
  4. The written word1.
  5. History2
  6. Science and Nature
  7. Pot luck
  8. Grammy winners3.
And while we're on the topic of lists, let us see what manner of questions I can recall.

Questions such that, by virtue of supplying a correct answer, our noble frog earned at least 1 point.
  1. What U.S. military unit goes by the motto "semper fidelius"? My thanks to the movie Rushmore, for the fact that the words 'semper fi, soldier, semper fi' (spoken in a Scottish accent, which I want you to imagine I'm imitating it right now, 'cause I am) were used in Max's play.
  2. The polaris missile is used by which branch of the military? I knew this from an episode of "Yes Minister".
  3. What battle tank was named after some general from the Vietnam war? Should I be ashamed of knowing the name of a likely, and it turns out correct, candidate?
  4. Spell "brochure". Yeah, there's quite a range in question difficulty....
  5. What is the difference between the words "flammable" and "inflammable"? Look, so most of the interesting questions I remember we fucked up....
  6. 2007 best pop performance by a group 'My Humps'? Mentioned as an excuse to link to this.
Questions of such unparalleled dastardly cunning and insurmountable difficulty that our ingenious amphibian was incapable of supplying a correct answer, and was thus forced to go pointless.

  1. How many branches of the U.S. Military are there? There's an obvious line of reasoning related to a famous building which occurs to you only when you know the correct answer.
  2. What two actors starred in the 'trinity' western movies? For fuck's sake....
  3. Who created the comic book character Dick Tracy?
  4. The first working model of which device was invented in 1960 by Thomas Maimam?
  5. Citius Altius Fortius is the motto of which organisation? Guessing roughly what he last two words meant, and reasoning that 'citius' was related to 'city' in some way ... we guessed the Freemasons. I wish we were right..... although, just quietly I think we were close (the organisation in question is fooling nobody, *touch nose*).

1This category should not, I assure you, be confused with a literature round.

2For which a question about The Monkees apparently qualified.

3Where a "when unsure, just write 'Keith Urban'" policy earned us a point.


Gomez said...

Is it too early to call for 100 comments?

David Barry said...

Faster, higher, stronger.

Geoff said...

Is it too early to call for 100 comments?

Is it too early to put a footnote in the title of the post?

The comments record at myblogisagoodblog is about 87 I think. If we can't beat that, there is no choice but to conclude that Fitz' blog is inferior.

Fitz, are you going to enlist the help of your sister?

Andrew said...

I thought I might just post as 99 different anonymous readers, actually.

Faster, higher, stronger.

Show off. We though something (city-like) high and strong. Hence masons.

Don't kid yourself, though buddy. The IOC is infested with the bastards. Just like the MSS. Yeah, you heard me Geoff. I'm on to you...

Anonymous said...

Wow.... what wonderful writing. I used to think that Dostoevsky was my favorite author ... and then someone introduced me to the writings of Cervantes and I wasn't so sure.... But here I see you beating him at his own game. Bravo!!!

You rock, man.

Andrew said...

Thanks Scarlett... that means a lot.

Anonymous said...

I want my clothes off.
I want my bath,
And the water!
I want my Mr Matey
I want my fun bath.....please!

Anonymous said...

Well, yes, but I'm afraid I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will, so now I'm afraid I have something of a mess on my hands.

Gomez said...

Tobias, did you mean to say "prematurely shot my frog"?

Hewhoblogs said...

Cervantes is nothing next to Dostoevsky, Scarlett.

Andrew said...

I like ponies, long walks on the beach and automatic weapons.

Gomez said...

I like children... but I couldn't eat a whole one.*

* Courtesy of Nick Cavenagh.**

** Courtesy of Nick's friend.

David Barry said...

Isn't that quote usually about cats rather than children?

Gomez said...

What kind of a sick person makes jokes about eating cats? Obviously not the kind who makes jokes about eating babies.

David Barry said...

Googling suggests that in fact baby-eaters are much more common than cat-eaters.

Who would have thought.?

Geoff said...

Often balanced edge-colourings are the perfect tool for achieving such aims, but we will see in Subsection 4.5 that sometimes more powerful tools are needed.

Andrew said...

Why do I get the feeling, Geoff, that you just read to me the entirety of your thesis as it currently stands?

Andrew said...

Oh wait ... that was some secret masonic code, wasn't it Geoff...


I know you think you've won, buddy, but the LHC can and will yet be stopped. And I'm the man to stop it.

Gomez said...

Googling suggests that in fact baby-eaters are much more common than cat-eaters.

I don't know about you, but my faith in humanity is restored.

A Steiner triple system is an ordered pair (V, T) where blah, blah, blah... who gives a fuck?

Andrew said...

You seek to master infinite injury? Then know this. The true path is the leftmost path visited infinitely often. Only the oracle knows the true path.

(I'm starting to believe that the Wachowski brothers studied recursion theory)

Ben said...

I thought you'd like this Andrew. Here is a taste of the lyrics....

Once I tried to run,
I tried to run and hide,
but Jesus came and found me,
and touched me deep inside.
He is like a mountain,
he always gets his man (???)
And he'll catch you any way he can...

mountain could be mounty?

Andrew said...

I wish Jesus was my friend.

A friend who would stay your friend despite your writing and performing that song is a true friend indeed.

Tinos said...

Is Andrew Ethel?

Andrew said...

For you, baby, I could be...