Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hello, and welcome to my blog

So, I'm sitting around one Saturday afternoon and I'm asking myself to come up with a short list of things, the lack of which, is making the world a far worse place than it otherwise could be.

Sadly, all that I seemed able to come up with was another pointless blog in the proud tradition of Chris' myblogisagoodblog and Sam's opus myblogisafairblog. Whereas the reader is left to come to their own conclusion as to whether or not Chris' blog is good and whether or not Sam's blog is, in fact, fair there can be no argument when it comes to mine - my blog is, most definitely, another blog.

In keeping with this name the reader is asked to expect great things from this blog. Expect caustic wit. Expect a thorough, insightful and up-to-date commentary on current events. Expect deep and reflective monologues revealing the true nature of mankind and its place in a grand, majestic universe. Expect to laugh. Expect to cry. Expect all of these things so that my blog can truly make you know the meaning of the word "disappointment".


Geoff said...

It is a slippery slope my friend. First you make an occasional innocent and anonymous comments on other people's blogs. Next occasional becomes frequent and you sign up for a google account and give yourself a silly alias. Then you figure that you should be able to have your own blog where you control the forum, after all your opinion is the only one that matters. Then one morning you wake up and post to your blog, not because you want to or that you think people will actually read it but because you have to, you can't imagine life any other way.

Anyway...I admire your modesty but ignorance and pretentiousness is the flavour of the month. The Internet has and always will be about idiots voicing their opinion, so don't be apologetic. I say, sing it sister!

Andrew said...

Don't kid yourself, brother. You just took that first step yourself. The next one is inevitable.

Geoff said...

In everything I say there is an undertone of self-mockery.

Andrew said...

With every passing moment you make yourself more my servant, Geoff....

You, like your father before you, are now mine.

Ben said...

You missed you chance Andrew, you blog could have been called this. My blog is a sexy blog

Andrew said...

Look, Ben, if people can't already see the the great big globs of "sexy" oozing from every post - well, I'm not going to spell it out for them.